This board allows you to play all twelve notes of the chromatic scale, which is the basis of the Western system of music. You can use the notes to build melodies.

You can also use your keyboard to play the notes: to play note C, press key A; to play note C♯ / D♭, press key W; to play note D, press key S; to play note D♯ / E♭, press key E; to play note E, press key D; to play note F, press key F; to play note F♯ / G♭, press note T; to play note G, press key G; to play note G♯ / A♭, press key Y; to play note A, press key H; to play note A♯ / B♭, press key U; to play note B, press key J.

Click with your mouse somewhere on the musical board before using your keyboard to play notes.

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